Supervised by orthodontists

Here at RealAligner, there are no tricks or magic formulas, just a group of professionals doing what they have trained their whole lives to do: using the best techniques and tools to give you the smile you want in the most comfortable way possible.

Personalised plans

We offer various plans so your dentist can advise you on the most suitable plan for your case.

Flexibility + Durability = the perfect combo

We use a very special material to achieve what used to be impossible: our aligners are as durable as they are flexible. This minimises breakage, ensures a perfect fit and makes treatment more comfortable for you.

Fewer trips to your dental practice

Don’t worry about having to make so many trips to the dentist: RealAligner provides your dentist with all the tools they need to digitally follow your case, minimising the number of appointments required for your treatment to progress as expected.

We want your invisible orthodontic treatment to be comfortable, effective… and undetectable
